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Deliver Your Messages to Customers One-On-One,
with Targeted Content at the ATM

The Key to Success: Getting the right message to the right person – every time

The Odysii ATM solution helps banks drive targeted promotions to customers when their attention is solely devoted to the ATM screen. While customers are waiting for their cash or account information, you have a unique opportunity to deliver messages based on the specific customer profile and your strategic goals.

When customers use the ATM machine, their attention is completely engaged. This is your opportunity to deliver the right message to the right person, for maximum effect.


How? Capture information about the person using the ATM, then match and deliver the message that is most relevant to that person

The moment an ATM user enters their card and PIN, the Odysii marketing intelligence solution matches their information to customer profiles and analyzes it according to strategic business rules defined in the system. Then, in real time, the Odysii solution retrieves or creates the most relevant information for the customer, and delivers it to the ATM screen.

The messages delivered at the ATM can be targeted in multiple ways:

    Matched to the specific customer profile (small business accounts, student loans, home improvement)
    Driven by bank sales targets or business goals (promoting CD purchases or online banking adoption)
    Advertising the bank to non-bank customers using the ATM

The Result: Increased sales & enhanced customer service

Targeted messages make customers more likely to initiate enquiries about bank products and more receptive to hearing relevant messages in line with branch strategies. This directly translates into increased sales. Moreover, by presenting customers with content that is interesting to them, their overall experience at the branch is enhanced, and satisfaction and loyalty are fostered.